Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Relax, Recharge, Go get em'!

 We often overwork ourselves and get so caught up in life that we forget to stop, relax, and recharge! This is not healthy for us, don't you have those days where you do nothing but relax and feel guilty that you weren't productive? Yeah, well that's me too! It's ok to feel that way, our body is used to that. But we must learn to respect and take care of our mental health as well. A lazy day is simply a lazy day. I will leave some tips for you all down below on how to just sit back and recharge! Let me know if these help you out!


Clear your mind, body and soul.

Focus your energy on positivity, take out the toxic vibes. 

Unfollow and get rid of people who down your vibe. 

Don't settle for less.

Try to take a breather and focus your mind, let it heal, let yourself know that everything will be ok.

Take a social media break and recharge your batteries. 

And lastly, keep your head up! You got this!


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Style Diversity & Expressing Yourself!

 I've always loved being diverse with my style, I don't really have a particular style that I stick with, I just dress up. Dressing up doesn't mean that you're showing off or trying too hard, it just makes you feel good, how you dress is how you feel. I've always expressed an interest in fashion and I just love experimenting with different styles and makeup looks! It's such a fun way to express who you are! 

    Believe it or not, I actually got made fun of quite a bit for dressing up in middle through high school. People always thought that I was trying too hard or that I was being ridiculous, I always had my hair and nails done as well and it was literally for no one but myself. I come from a family of people who dress and present themselves well and what can I say? It got passed down, everyone should dress how they want and express their personalities through their appearance, ones appearance shouldn't matter or make any sense to anyone besides the one wearing the outfit. People pick on others way too much and that's ridiculous in my opinion. Fashion is fashion no matter how you wear your clothing, it's supposed to fit your unique self. We all come in different shapes, sizes and races-how we choose to express ourselves is up to us. I do not wear makeup to hide my beautiful face, I simply wear it because I'm good at it and it allows me to express my artistic side. I love being in front of the camera, it's my biggest passion, social media isn't somewhere I want to be just to go viral or follow trends, it allows me to express my talent and strong love for dancing, music, fashion, makeup and so much more. Nothing should feel better than creating content that is feel-good and purifies the soul. I enjoy what I do and I love that I came across so many amazing souls from doing so. Down below, I'll include some photos of different outfits that I've worn, keep in mind, I have so many LOL, so these are only a few!

Love the Skin You're In!

 This is for my curvy girls and literally everyone out there! It's that time of year where most people will try to lose weight so that they could fit into swimsuits OR be ashamed to wear swimsuits, crop tops, tanks etc!🦋I say FORGET IT! Embrace who YOU are!!!! Rock those scars, stretch marks, dark underarms, cellulite and whatever else you think is imperfect on that beautiful body of yours! Who cares what people think or what they say? Why do you let social media, magazines and other people's horrid opinions define your worth? Who cares about them. Take a stand and be strong. You rock those shorts and crop tops, embrace your tummy and curves🥰✨and even if you're not a curvy girl, but you still don't want to rock a swimsuit, just know that you're beautiful too, no one needs to lose or gain weight to fit other people's standards!!! So what do you say? You in?😏😉🙌🏽

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Daily Thoughts

I've never been one to really follow the rules or abide by trends, hey if you want to have fun and do whatever, it's your call, do you. But I've always liked being independent and sticking out from a crowd. I like to lead and not follow. You pave your own path and that on it's own should make you happy. I feel like everything is so fast paced nowadays, there's always something new and nothing gets treasured. I could care less if something is old or "so yesterday", if I like it, I like it, simple. Life is a wild ride, it's surely a crazy thing full of obstacles and random moments, in which we cannot control. My point is that life's to short to be worrying about what others think about you, stop trying to live up to people's standards of what you should be. Be what YOU want to be! Confidence is your best accessory, this is something that I'll always abide by. In my opinion you should always use your voice. Stand up for what you believe in, I always say that if you don't like the way things are done or how it's set up, then do something about it. If something seems unjust and you don't agree with it, then change it. Heck nothing in life is easy, but if we put our minds to it, the possibilities are endless. Everything is worth fighting for, if you truly want it. On the way to accomplishing your dreams, things will get tough. You'll get turned down, you'll hear many no's, you will definitely lose people, but who cares about that because that means they were never meant to be in your life anyway-their time has ran its course in your lifetime. Obstacles are something that us as humans have to face, it's totally normal. We must take our failures as lessons, because no one's perfect, if we were, things would be boring. You must always stand out and be your beautiful self, for that is priceless, keep your head up loves. You got this ❤️ 


Relax, Recharge, Go get em'!

 We often overwork ourselves and get so caught up in life that we forget to stop, relax, and recharge! This is not healthy for us, don't...