Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Relax, Recharge, Go get em'!

 We often overwork ourselves and get so caught up in life that we forget to stop, relax, and recharge! This is not healthy for us, don't you have those days where you do nothing but relax and feel guilty that you weren't productive? Yeah, well that's me too! It's ok to feel that way, our body is used to that. But we must learn to respect and take care of our mental health as well. A lazy day is simply a lazy day. I will leave some tips for you all down below on how to just sit back and recharge! Let me know if these help you out!


Clear your mind, body and soul.

Focus your energy on positivity, take out the toxic vibes. 

Unfollow and get rid of people who down your vibe. 

Don't settle for less.

Try to take a breather and focus your mind, let it heal, let yourself know that everything will be ok.

Take a social media break and recharge your batteries. 

And lastly, keep your head up! You got this!


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Style Diversity & Expressing Yourself!

 I've always loved being diverse with my style, I don't really have a particular style that I stick with, I just dress up. Dressing up doesn't mean that you're showing off or trying too hard, it just makes you feel good, how you dress is how you feel. I've always expressed an interest in fashion and I just love experimenting with different styles and makeup looks! It's such a fun way to express who you are! 

    Believe it or not, I actually got made fun of quite a bit for dressing up in middle through high school. People always thought that I was trying too hard or that I was being ridiculous, I always had my hair and nails done as well and it was literally for no one but myself. I come from a family of people who dress and present themselves well and what can I say? It got passed down, everyone should dress how they want and express their personalities through their appearance, ones appearance shouldn't matter or make any sense to anyone besides the one wearing the outfit. People pick on others way too much and that's ridiculous in my opinion. Fashion is fashion no matter how you wear your clothing, it's supposed to fit your unique self. We all come in different shapes, sizes and races-how we choose to express ourselves is up to us. I do not wear makeup to hide my beautiful face, I simply wear it because I'm good at it and it allows me to express my artistic side. I love being in front of the camera, it's my biggest passion, social media isn't somewhere I want to be just to go viral or follow trends, it allows me to express my talent and strong love for dancing, music, fashion, makeup and so much more. Nothing should feel better than creating content that is feel-good and purifies the soul. I enjoy what I do and I love that I came across so many amazing souls from doing so. Down below, I'll include some photos of different outfits that I've worn, keep in mind, I have so many LOL, so these are only a few!

Love the Skin You're In!

 This is for my curvy girls and literally everyone out there! It's that time of year where most people will try to lose weight so that they could fit into swimsuits OR be ashamed to wear swimsuits, crop tops, tanks etc!🦋I say FORGET IT! Embrace who YOU are!!!! Rock those scars, stretch marks, dark underarms, cellulite and whatever else you think is imperfect on that beautiful body of yours! Who cares what people think or what they say? Why do you let social media, magazines and other people's horrid opinions define your worth? Who cares about them. Take a stand and be strong. You rock those shorts and crop tops, embrace your tummy and curves🥰✨and even if you're not a curvy girl, but you still don't want to rock a swimsuit, just know that you're beautiful too, no one needs to lose or gain weight to fit other people's standards!!! So what do you say? You in?😏😉🙌🏽

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Daily Thoughts

I've never been one to really follow the rules or abide by trends, hey if you want to have fun and do whatever, it's your call, do you. But I've always liked being independent and sticking out from a crowd. I like to lead and not follow. You pave your own path and that on it's own should make you happy. I feel like everything is so fast paced nowadays, there's always something new and nothing gets treasured. I could care less if something is old or "so yesterday", if I like it, I like it, simple. Life is a wild ride, it's surely a crazy thing full of obstacles and random moments, in which we cannot control. My point is that life's to short to be worrying about what others think about you, stop trying to live up to people's standards of what you should be. Be what YOU want to be! Confidence is your best accessory, this is something that I'll always abide by. In my opinion you should always use your voice. Stand up for what you believe in, I always say that if you don't like the way things are done or how it's set up, then do something about it. If something seems unjust and you don't agree with it, then change it. Heck nothing in life is easy, but if we put our minds to it, the possibilities are endless. Everything is worth fighting for, if you truly want it. On the way to accomplishing your dreams, things will get tough. You'll get turned down, you'll hear many no's, you will definitely lose people, but who cares about that because that means they were never meant to be in your life anyway-their time has ran its course in your lifetime. Obstacles are something that us as humans have to face, it's totally normal. We must take our failures as lessons, because no one's perfect, if we were, things would be boring. You must always stand out and be your beautiful self, for that is priceless, keep your head up loves. You got this ❤️ 


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Best of Both Worlds: Being Indian-American

 Hello my lovelies, in this post I want to share my whole heart with you and my viewpoints. I feel that this is something not many people talk about or engage in. I was born here in the United States, New Jersey to be exact. But I come from a Guyanese-Indian background, I am Hindu. I am American, but these are my roots. This is where my ancestors came from and where my roots derive from and I am proud. Growing up in the U.S. my parents and my grandparents on my father's side never let me forget where I came from, we always watched Bollywood movies, listened to Indian music and practiced our traditions. I never lacked any of that despite being brought up in America. I'll have to say that I was never familiar with certain foods or rituals and such, but obviously that got taught to me. It can be a tricky thing being an Indian-American at times because many people of the older generation can be very close minded and judgemental. I am so grateful that my parents are so supportive and amazing with what I have chosen to do as a career and my grandparents/uncle on my dad's side (who are sadly no longer with us). I know that I have their love and support as well as my siblings and my amazing audience! My parents grew up way differently from me, as well as lots of others. That's how it works, we are all different, my parents grew up back home in a village with a totally different education system, so many different ways of fun and outings and very different food. I grew up in that rad early 90s-2000s stage of Lizzie McGuire, Even Steven's, Brink, The Amanda Show-gel bracelets, Bratz-you guys get the point. My mom came to America when she was younger, my dad came over when he was in his 20s. So my mom is actually familiar with more American TV shows, such as Boy Meets World, The Brady Bunch etc. Don't get me wrong haha, my parents are super rad! They had records of Grease, Whitney Houston and so many more artists, they even dressed modern, but they always raised us traditional if that makes any sense. I often borrow my parents clothes for photoshoots haha, they had and still have amazing fashion sense. My mama rocked the same types of clothing and hairstyles that I do, and my papa always had amazing taste in style too, my parents like to shop as well, I am legit a mixture of them both haha! I had to get it from somewhere. My grandparents and parents have always been the stylish type, always dress up is basically our motto. What I am trying to say is that despite being born here in America, the judgements of society are horrid. My parents, brother and I came to Pennsylvania when I was only 7, we still reside here, this is definitely not an area where I see anyone that looks like me! I had people say racial slurs to me and say that I was a curry scented cow, etc. I did often get made of in school for being who I am and for what my background was. Yes, even in high school, I got questions like, why can't you eat beef or pork? Doesn't that suck? Or, why do you have so many God's?-My thoughts were......really people? And now in today's society with social media, our culture has become a cool "trend", don't get me wrong some people are so sweet about it, but we still have those mean one's out there! My brother and sisters had to deal with the same things as well! My sisters were born here in Pennsylvania. I even got made fun of for liking "American" related things? I never wore Indian clothes to school, no reason, I just didn't but either way I was bullied for being different. In my culture, most people expect you, especially as a girl to get married ASAP, have kids and become fully dedicated to being at home and that's it. People in my society/family even pass judgements on me if I wear a swimsuit, shorts, tank top etc. Can you believe that some of the kids even do these things too? Not just the adults-how ridiculous. I am not even making it up because this constantly happens to me! I am 26 years old, very ambitious and driven with passion for the career path that I have chosen and I seriously get asked questions like why aren't you married? Have kids and stay home, you need to cook and clean while your husband works. HOLD UP! I think not, I am independent, I don't need to be married to get validation from anyone! (There is no issue with marriage, I am just stating how these adults act about it) I get so many nasty remarks from extended family and other people in my cultural community because I am simply being myself! I have a huge childish side, I love collecting merch of things from my favorite TV shows/movies-and things from my childhood. I even get made fun of for that! You legit just cannot win That is why I am the way that I am, I simply be me, I have my family cheering me on. This is why I rather stay to myself and do me, I love the audience that I have on my social media because you're all so beautiful and kindhearted and you love me for me and we all get along so well. I don't speak to any of my extended family-NONE, for this reason as well as others, too judgemental and toxic. I want to fly free like a butterfly and continue to spread lots of love, positivity and happy vibes on my platform. I really hope that you loves enjoyed this piece because it made me emotional writing it. I love everything about being brought up in America, I love it all so much! I love the food, clothes etc, I would never trade my childhood for anything!!! But I also dearly love my culture, roots-who I am and where I came from, nothing can compare to our food, clothes, movies, music and just our culture in general. Everyone's culture is so beautiful, rich, special and unique in its own way-it's what makes us, US. I love you all so much, I am proud to be who I am.

**SIDE NOTE** We were all raised differently with our own beliefs, as we grow up, the decisions that we make shape us. We hold the key to our future, not anyone else-background, race, religion and orientation has nothing to do with that!

Desi-Western Fashion Fusion

Hey lovelies! Lately I have been having so much fun combining Desi and Western fashion! For those of you who don't know, I was born in the U.S., but my background is Guyanese/Hindu (Indian). I love embracing both sides of who I am and I most certainly have fun on fusing the two styles. 

As we're all stuck at home, this is the norm for me, as I work from home so I mostly spend my days glued to my laptop and phone-editing and creating content for you guys. My camera is another thing that is glued to me. I came up with fun photo ideas and fun video concepts including these styles and lots of you have been loving them! That makes me super happy! I adore this first look, it really embraces both sides of me so well.

I had to pop a bindi on with this look, it added the perfect touch:)

I grabbed a camisole, fluffy cardigan and added some gorgeous red earrings and BOOM!

This was another look that I did, there's a video on my Instagram that showcases how I achieved this makeup look. I added a bindi, some gorgeous Indian earrings and some beaded bracelets which were from Rue 21. 

This top was from H&M and it went perfectly with this bindi that I had, so I just slapped it on and bam! It tied the whole look together, by the way these super cute pants are from Target!

These bracelets from Rue 21 compliment this top so nicely. 

This dress had that "Desi" feel and it just looked so nice with my bindi, earrings and nose ring (which is fake by the way).

Ha! This one is definitely my favorite! I live for acid wash, high-waisted jeans! I just draped a scarf that came with a lengha around my tube top and tucked it into my jeans and boom, my version of a sari haha! I honestly find sari's very uncomfortable, I rather a lengha or something with pants. Of course, this look wouldn't be completed without a bindi and Indian jewelry. 

These headshots were fun to experiment with, I had a blast! I changed into a silver tube top and added a different necklace and bam! Another look was achieved. 


Hey lovelies, before I start writing about this amazing collection, I just wanted to let you know that I was not paid to write this post! I was contacted by Pandora to do a collaboration on my YouTube channel and social media! I was gifted a free bracelet along with a Gryffindor charm, the other 3 charms were purchased with my own money. 

Here is a picture of my bracelet, I did this collab back in November, 2019. I do plan to purchase some more charms eventually. The first charm pictured is the Gryffindor charm, which was gifted to me, what I love about this charm is that it has my house name engraved as well as the definition of my house. No worries, they have all houses hehe, I love the wide variety of charms that they carry. I had to get the two-sided charm of Hogwarts along with Harry and the Hogwarts Express. 

This is what it looks like on me, it's super sturdy and it definitely doesn't feel cheap. This is such a perfect gift for any occasion! There is a full and thorough review of this collection on my YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/85yRp0VfmJ8

I love how the bracelet says, I open at the close, this melts my heart.

The bottom of the Hogwarts Express charm says, Anything from the trolley dears? I love that!

Here's a picture of the full collection, do any of you own the whole collection? Or are you interested in any of these pieces?

I adore the golden trio charms along with Dobby, the Hogwarts Express and the two-sided charm with the Hogwarts crest on one side and Hogwarts on the other.

Feel free to mix and match any other charm to your bracelet to make it feel more personable.

The Golden Snitch charm doesn't come with a chain, it is sold separately, the chain is up to you.

Relax, Recharge, Go get em'!

 We often overwork ourselves and get so caught up in life that we forget to stop, relax, and recharge! This is not healthy for us, don't...