Thursday, March 25, 2021

Love the Skin You're In!

 This is for my curvy girls and literally everyone out there! It's that time of year where most people will try to lose weight so that they could fit into swimsuits OR be ashamed to wear swimsuits, crop tops, tanks etc!🦋I say FORGET IT! Embrace who YOU are!!!! Rock those scars, stretch marks, dark underarms, cellulite and whatever else you think is imperfect on that beautiful body of yours! Who cares what people think or what they say? Why do you let social media, magazines and other people's horrid opinions define your worth? Who cares about them. Take a stand and be strong. You rock those shorts and crop tops, embrace your tummy and curves🥰✨and even if you're not a curvy girl, but you still don't want to rock a swimsuit, just know that you're beautiful too, no one needs to lose or gain weight to fit other people's standards!!! So what do you say? You in?😏😉🙌🏽

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