Hello my lovelies, in this post I want to share my whole heart with you and my viewpoints. I feel that this is something not many people talk about or engage in. I was born here in the United States, New Jersey to be exact. But I come from a Guyanese-Indian background, I am Hindu. I am American, but these are my roots. This is where my ancestors came from and where my roots derive from and I am proud. Growing up in the U.S. my parents and my grandparents on my father's side never let me forget where I came from, we always watched Bollywood movies, listened to Indian music and practiced our traditions. I never lacked any of that despite being brought up in America. I'll have to say that I was never familiar with certain foods or rituals and such, but obviously that got taught to me. It can be a tricky thing being an Indian-American at times because many people of the older generation can be very close minded and judgemental. I am so grateful that my parents are so supportive and amazing with what I have chosen to do as a career and my grandparents/uncle on my dad's side (who are sadly no longer with us). I know that I have their love and support as well as my siblings and my amazing audience! My parents grew up way differently from me, as well as lots of others. That's how it works, we are all different, my parents grew up back home in a village with a totally different education system, so many different ways of fun and outings and very different food. I grew up in that rad early 90s-2000s stage of Lizzie McGuire, Even Steven's, Brink, The Amanda Show-gel bracelets, Bratz-you guys get the point. My mom came to America when she was younger, my dad came over when he was in his 20s. So my mom is actually familiar with more American TV shows, such as Boy Meets World, The Brady Bunch etc. Don't get me wrong haha, my parents are super rad! They had records of Grease, Whitney Houston and so many more artists, they even dressed modern, but they always raised us traditional if that makes any sense. I often borrow my parents clothes for photoshoots haha, they had and still have amazing fashion sense. My mama rocked the same types of clothing and hairstyles that I do, and my papa always had amazing taste in style too, my parents like to shop as well, I am legit a mixture of them both haha! I had to get it from somewhere. My grandparents and parents have always been the stylish type, always dress up is basically our motto. What I am trying to say is that despite being born here in America, the judgements of society are horrid. My parents, brother and I came to Pennsylvania when I was only 7, we still reside here, this is definitely not an area where I see anyone that looks like me! I had people say racial slurs to me and say that I was a curry scented cow, etc. I did often get made of in school for being who I am and for what my background was. Yes, even in high school, I got questions like, why can't you eat beef or pork? Doesn't that suck? Or, why do you have so many God's?-My thoughts were......really people? And now in today's society with social media, our culture has become a cool "trend", don't get me wrong some people are so sweet about it, but we still have those mean one's out there! My brother and sisters had to deal with the same things as well! My sisters were born here in Pennsylvania. I even got made fun of for liking "American" related things? I never wore Indian clothes to school, no reason, I just didn't but either way I was bullied for being different. In my culture, most people expect you, especially as a girl to get married ASAP, have kids and become fully dedicated to being at home and that's it. People in my society/family even pass judgements on me if I wear a swimsuit, shorts, tank top etc. Can you believe that some of the kids even do these things too? Not just the adults-how ridiculous. I am not even making it up because this constantly happens to me! I am 26 years old, very ambitious and driven with passion for the career path that I have chosen and I seriously get asked questions like why aren't you married? Have kids and stay home, you need to cook and clean while your husband works. HOLD UP! I think not, I am independent, I don't need to be married to get validation from anyone! (There is no issue with marriage, I am just stating how these adults act about it) I get so many nasty remarks from extended family and other people in my cultural community because I am simply being myself! I have a huge childish side, I love collecting merch of things from my favorite TV shows/movies-and things from my childhood. I even get made fun of for that! You legit just cannot win That is why I am the way that I am, I simply be me, I have my family cheering me on. This is why I rather stay to myself and do me, I love the audience that I have on my social media because you're all so beautiful and kindhearted and you love me for me and we all get along so well. I don't speak to any of my extended family-NONE, for this reason as well as others, too judgemental and toxic. I want to fly free like a butterfly and continue to spread lots of love, positivity and happy vibes on my platform. I really hope that you loves enjoyed this piece because it made me emotional writing it. I love everything about being brought up in America, I love it all so much! I love the food, clothes etc, I would never trade my childhood for anything!!! But I also dearly love my culture, roots-who I am and where I came from, nothing can compare to our food, clothes, movies, music and just our culture in general. Everyone's culture is so beautiful, rich, special and unique in its own way-it's what makes us, US. I love you all so much, I am proud to be who I am.
**SIDE NOTE** We were all raised differently with our own beliefs, as we grow up, the decisions that we make shape us. We hold the key to our future, not anyone else-background, race, religion and orientation has nothing to do with that!