Wednesday, October 3, 2018

It's ok to not be ok!

Sometimes it can feel like everything is crashing down upon you, your life can sometimes seem topsy turvy. Sometimes you feel like things cannot get any better, but that's where you're wrong-I have days where I feel eh, that's because of the loss of my 3 loved ones, it makes my heart pine so much. But I contain my tears and I keep my emotions to myself. I like to sit and often reflect on life. We surely must enjoy what we have and who we have with us for we are blessed. Sometimes as humans we get carried away and we feel like it's the end of the world when something goes wrong, but unfortunately that's just life. We must accept it and move forward with it, for the one above will guide us and give us the strength and courage to proceed. Everything takes time and nothing goes unseen. You all have the power to be happy and content with life, for it is our only one, so let's make the most of it:)

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